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An evening to celebrate the summer solstice



The summer solstice is a time of blossoming. It represents a transition from the creativity of spring to the nourishment of summer and a shift in the earth’s energy. The sun is at its highest point in the sky and we are flooded with light. It is a fiery and fertile time when the earth’s loveliness just seems to go on and on.


In this evening together we will attune to this shift in the earth’s energy and honour the light. Through the gentle movement of restorative yoga, the healing sounds of the gong, mantras, meditations, poetry and quiet reflection we will open to this awakening and blossoming of our consciousness as we let the light in. We will move together from the season of spring with its brightness and action to that of summer – one of nourishment and fullness. And we will allow ourselves to pause and rest in this moment of light and possibility.


We will conclude our evening with the warmth of human connection, bringing light to each other as we talk, laugh and share food.


I would love you to be there!



Wednesday June 21 




Weybourne Village Hall, NR25 7AH


What to bring?

A yoga bolster (if you have one)

A cushion

A blanket

A notebook and pen

A simple dish to share




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